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Сообщения - ReadTheTape23

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Can Anyone find anything on noftToolkitComplete08.10.15.zip? That's the ZIP file for the Ninjatrader 8 Version, I just Haven't found a download I can crack yet. If anyone has any luck let me know. Also, who is writing the code for all of these wonderfu cracks? Thanks again!

Sorry I don't know how i messed quoting up. I meant to ask it in a seperate question. Thanks for the upload, but I was wondering why it makes my machine crawl? I have an i7, windows 8.1 prox64, and should be able to run NOFT okay I would think. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks again for the upload!


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Hi, and thank you very very much for uploading this. Is there a reason why this makes my machine crawl? I know it's a lot to run, but I have an I7x64 windows 8.1, and should be able to run NOFT easily I think? Or is it for another reason, or am I wrong? Thanks again, really appreciate it.

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